Dreamers’ Circus is set to release their highly anticipated new album, Handed On, on February 14, 2025. This deeply personal project sees the group reconnecting with the heart of their musical heritage.
The award-winning Danish folk trio Dreamers' Circus is set to bring their unique and captivating sound to Japan, performing in six different cities over the course of a week.
Det danske band Dreamers' Circus gentager succesen fra sidste år og tilbyder to danske bands eller kunsterne et givende sparringsforløb over tre sessioner.
Dreamers’ Circus and the iconic music venue in København, VEGA, are combining to curate a festival that presents music from the Nordic countries across a full day May 4th 2024.
I 2024-2027 får syv ambitiøse musikensembler status som specialensembler ved Statens Kunstfond. De skal bidrage til at udvikle musiklivet i Danmark - og dansk musik i udlandet.
We’re happy to announce that Nordic Folk Festival in Vesthimmerland is sold out! Three days of music, dance, song, food and nature on the island of Livø.